Round 1
Saturday, May 25th at Van Diemans Quarry, Birralee
Classes for this years series are as follows:
Competitive Classes: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Ladies, Junior A, Junior B, Over 40's Gold, Over 40's Silver, Over 40's Bronze
Non competitive (Come and try): Iron Class
About round 1-
Van Diemen Quarry, Entrance near Frankford highway end of Birralee Road. (Look for the Hard Enduro signs at turn off)
Sign up info:
Race Registations to Now open
Make sure you are a member of the "Swansea Motorcycle Association" and have a valid MA Licence
No MA licence at sign on, no race.
Hard Enduro Riding/Race Number selection process is as follows:
Sign into Ridernet and go to your profile
Select Riding Numbers then click add riding number
Selection is "Tas" "Enduro" "Hard Enduro 7-99"
Select riding number and add
Use this number when entering event
Race Day instructions 25th May
Sign on / scrutineering from 8:30am
*NO Bikes to be started before briefing.*
Junior and Senior briefing 9:30am
Seniors start time: 10am (3 hour enduro)
Iron, Junior and Ladies start time: 11am (2 hour enduro)
Gold/Gold over 40, Silver/Silver over 40, Bronze/Bronze in order of race start.
Ladies Bronze, Iron Class (non competitive), Junior A and B in order of race start
Mass start in grades.
6km loop approx.​
You must finish current lap after the clock runs down. Or DNF.
No Camping available on site
Toilets, food and coffee all onsite.